How to Repair Stuck Pixel?

You can run the Stuck Pixel Repair Tool on your browser without any installation by clicking the Stuck Pixel Repair button below.

You can use the Stuck Pixel Repair Tool on any device with a modern internet browser (it does not work on older versions of Internet Explorer) including phones, tablets, computers, televisions.

Check the sleep settings of your computer and display before performing stuck pixel repair. The Stuck Pixel Repair Tool needs an active screen.

What is Stuck Pixel, Why Does Stuck Pixel Occur?

Stuck pixels are usually dots on the screen that get stuck in one color (blue, green, red, etc.).

Stuck pixels are usually caused by the lack of color change on the pixel over a long period of time. Stuck pixels created in this way can be restored using the Stuck Pixel Repair Tool.

What is the Difference Between Dead Pixel and Stuck Pixel?

Sometimes the pixels we call dead pixels can be stuck pixels. The main difference between dead pixel and stuck pixel is that while stuck pixel can get energy, dead pixel has run out of life. Therefore, dead pixels are mostly black, while stuck pixels can be of different colors.

Not every black dot is a dead pixel, it can also be a stuck pixel.

In addition to the above information, the repair of the dead pixel error is not software-based, but there is a possibility that stuck pixels can be fixed by software.

How can I detect stuck pixels?

You can use the test tool on the page that opens by clicking the Stuck Pixel Test button below.

If the dots you see on the screen are in colors such as blue, red, green rather than black and white, you probably have stuck pixels on your screen.